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tv   The O Reilly Factor  FOX News  June 19, 2014 8:00pm-9:01pm PDT

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march and the deadly consequences this can have for us here at home. set your recorder to record "hannity" the series. thanks for joining us. we'll see you back here tomorrow night. >> at my direction, we have significantly increased our intelligence, surveillance, and reconnaissance assets. we got a better picture of what's taking place inside of iraq. >> that's it. that's all the u.s.a. is doing to stop the al qaeda army in iraq. tonight, we'll have a robust debate about protecting america. is president obama doing that? >> i talked to one resident down there that said i'm having a hard time buying bread right now because we have got border patrol agents who are putting together peanut and butter sandwiches by the thousands. >> as the mexican border continues to be breached by thousands of illegal aliens many of them kids, texas says it will strike back.
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we will talk to governor perry tonight. >> what happened to lois lerner's email? >> that i would refer to the irs. they will answer this question. >> also ahead, will the administration get away with losing lois lerner's emails? we will analyze that question. caution, you are about to enter the no spin zone. the factor begins right now. ♪ ♪ hi, i'm bill o'reilly. thanks for watching us tonight. president obama speaking about iraq. that is the subject of this evening's talking points memo. talking like a college professor. the president outlined othe problems iraq faces because different muslim sects can cannot get along. mr. obama's analysis was long on detail, short on solutions. even though the pentagon recommends bombing the al qaeda army which is slaughtering thousands of people and threatening to overwhelm iraq, mr. obama says he will not bomb the terrorists who are moving back and forth the flatter
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rain to and from syria. instead sending 300 military advisors and asking for international help. >> we have immediate problems with terrorist organizations that may be advancing. rather than try to play back a monthly wherever these terrorist organizations may pop up. what we have to do is is be able to build effective partnerships, make sure they have capacity. >> so, once again, the president seeks consensus from other countries rather than charting a direct course that might damage the evil al qaeda. now, there are two things in play. first, what's happening inside iraq, which few care about. those people have been killing each other for centuries and are not likely to stop any time soon. iran, a she a country next door, now holds power in southern iraq. who is going to counter that? no one. so, let's stay out of iraqi politics. we he can encourage the she a sunni folks to be reasonable. don't expect it.
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the second iraq issue is very important to america. we defeated terrorism there at a great cause in blood and treasure. now terrorism is back. we can cannot defeat it again on the ground. but we can damage the terrorists from the air. and we should do that. >> air strikes are an important factor psychologically and many other ways and that may require some air controllers and some special forces. we cannot afford to allow a syria/iraq enclave that will pose a direct threat to the united states of america. >> as mentioned, the chairman of the joint chiefs of staff, general martin dempsey agrees with senator mccain, but president obama dissents. why? all i could glean from remarks today is that he feels military action will lead to unintended consequences. remember, he wouldn't pull the trigger in syria on the poison gas deal. and generally is very cautious about direct action
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to right wrongs. he would rather have meetings. as talking points stated after the president pulled back on syria, that emboldens our enemies. they don't believe mr. obama the will to punish them. putin, china, now al qaeda. all directly challenging america and the world. even though president obama's poll numbers are falling, he knows many americans have lost the will to fight abroad. iraq and afghanistan have drained us. mr. obama is basically a man of theory, not action. a person who avoids evil rather than confronting it. and the evil doers, know it. and that's the memo. now for the top story tonight. reaction. joining us from the white house fnc's top guy there. ed henry. you made the point earlier today, it's an interesting point, by sending u.s. advisors to iraq now, president obama is actually contradicting himself. explain that. >> well, because today he blamed nory al maliki the iraqi prime minister for the reason the president did not leave any u.s. troops behind
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in iraq at the end of 2011. he said we couldn't get a status of forces agreement. we couldn't get legal immunity for u.s. troops if god forbid they got in hostile situation and killed iraqi civilian they could get thrown in jail. reasonable issue. he didn't take a shouted question on the way out the door whether we now have a status of forces agreement or immunity which we clearly don't have. white house officials later told us well, look, they don't need it in this case because the advisors who are going there will fall under the protections of the u.s. embassy in baghdad. obviously there is all kinds of potential loopholes there. what if these military advisors get drawn away from the embassy, get into a hostile situation. they say right now they are not combat troops. they could obviously be drawn into combat and same legal issues will come up. for the administration to say look, we didn't leave any troops behind before because we couldn't get immunity, it's a question they are going to face now as we start sending more people there. we are not sending tens of thousands of ground troops sending much smaller number of people. mission creep is a worry as well which the president
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rejected today but people are going to be watching. >> all right. you know a source told me that the reason they didn't get the indemnification against the u.s. troops is because iran told maliki not to do it. i don't know if that's true or not but it's very. >> very tight with them. >> because iran didn't want the u.s. troops there. told maliki, look, don't give him anything. get him out of there. he did. now we see what's happening. do you believe, based on your reporting and your watching of the white house staff, that the administration understands how much trouble it is in with the american people? >> i don't think that they do. and i don't think they realize how much of a defining moment the syria debate that you mentioned in the talking points, how defining of a moment that was for the president within his time in office. because, going right up to that lion and then pulling back did send signals around the world. and so now, that very much in play in this debate. because, this is not just about iraq. it's about, you know, the president today said the reason why we are taking at least some action now in the interim is because we don't want terrorists to have a
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safe haven in iraq. if you look at what's going on with them knocking down iraqi cities and taking them over, it suggests they do have a safe haven. look at syria. look around the region. so a final point i would make is that the thing that might be the wakeup call though for the administration is this nbc "wall street journal" poll from yesterday that said a majority of the american people say they do not think the president can lead in the rest of his term. i mean, that's not republicans saying it. that's not, you know, his critics like john boehner who today on the hill said the wheels are coming off. that's obviously a partisan statement. whether you have a nonpartisan poll like that in the "wall street journal" saying wait a second, the majority of the public doesn't think he can lead. that is not just because of this. this is about domestic issues as well. the v.a. scandal. a whole pile of things. that is going to have to be a wakeup call. >> i don't know. i thought the president would bomb selectively the movements of al qaeda, the isis army back and forth to syria because it's easy to do that. there is not cover there. and you saw the pictures of
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the big armaments that the al qaeda's captured going back into the syrian battle. that could have been wiped off the map, you know, by our plane. so we got a carrier there now. we he have a kuwait air base. saudi air base. i mean, you know, we can do it if we want. >> sure. the president is adamant that he is not going to be engaged in a military way. he is just not. >> well, he made clear. he called iraq a dumb war. more than a decade ago. and he is locked in on the idea. he doesn't want to get drawn into a major conflict. that's his position. but i think he also, we should note. left the door open to u.s. air strikes today by saying, look, you know, there could be targeted military action and what i would watch is these military advisors are collecting intelligence of the president. so they might find where are the spots that we could target the extremists. we don't want to be hitting civilians obviously. number one, number two, the civilian planes have been going over iraq. why are they doing that?
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they're collecting intelligence, too, to see where the extremists from this off chute group isis are to launch air strikes. it seems unlikely the president will do it. he seems to be leaning against it the door is open. >> i want to leave you with one thing. if we can target four guys having supper in the pakistani mountains with a drone, they know where this isis army is. that's why we have all this stuff up there. so, all right. we'll get a consensus, i guess of isis. maybe two years from now. >> looking forward to it. >> ed henry, everybody. next on the run down, two military analysts disagree about iraq. we will hear both sides. then texas striking back against the border chaos. governor rick perry will be here upcoming. introducing nexium 24hr. finally, the purple pill, the #1 prescribed acid blocking brand. comes without a prescription for frequent heartburn.
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impact segment tonight. defending america from the al qaeda surge in syria and iraq. as you may know, the isis army is controlling about a third of iraq right now and is threatening baghdad. president obama proceeding very cautiously as we stated. is that the correct course? joining us from washington lt. colonel tony schaffer, senior fellow at the london center for policy research and from boston colonel david hunt fox news military analyst. so, if you were president of the united states, colonel, what would do you? >> i would let it burn. iraq is just about to fall completely.
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isis, if they look sideways at us, counter terror standpoint, we should not -- as we did not in syria, we should not get in the middle of this war. it's been going on for a thousand years. americans have done enough hundred special forces on the ground. i promise you president wrong. they are not baghdad they are going to the field to advise. this is a place we new should not go back to. >> the logical conclusion of letting it burn is that the it would be a stalemate because iran would come in, fight on the she a side. the isis terror army couldn't defeat them so you would have a de facto country that the south would be run by iran and the north would be run by the al qaedas with the kurds carving out their little piece. from al qaeda strong hold in the north these people base, these people organize, these people get stronger as they
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did nasmght launched attacks on israel. launched attacks on america and this and that. you are willing to let that happen, colonel hunt. >> no, i'm not letting it happen, bill. you know me better. that's not what i said. if isis -- the problem right now is if you start. >> how do you wipe them? you wipe them from the air, right? >> no, no, we can send counter terrorism teams. i don't want us -- we should have learned. do not get in the middle of this civil war right now. >> you are not really clearly answering our question. give it thought. go to colonel shaffer. you disagree with colonel hunt, right? >> i do. i love dave. but he is wrong on this. they have already threatened us. they are going to threaten us. they are trying to create conditions that they can start sustaining themselves and create camps to attack us here. they have already said that what the president said today he should have said six months ago. the intel piece should have been working hard hard hard. the first off define our strategic interests.
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war is policy by other means. define what our policy interests are. president obama didn't do that today one of them oil fields. i don't moan to make this just about oil. kurds establish their own state. dave, you have been there, you have seen it, they are autonomous. we need to be helping them for goodness sake -- >> from all of that, americans are getting a headache and i don't blame them i want to know colonel shaffer what you would do about this al qaeda army. that's what i want to know. i don't care about the kurds tonight and the other stuff we have larger policy at the center's web site. you need to figure out the centers of gravity of isis and slow it down. air strikes and drones and special operations forces only will deny the enemy progress. we need to stop that now. stop the pleading now. and then. >> tony, there is no center of gravity. >> let me finish. let me finish. >> there is no center of gravity with ice glis yes, there is.
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>> colonel hunt, told, hold it. okay. >> so you say, colonel shaffer, that you would use air power on them now to try to weaken them; is that correct? >> you need to slow down their progress. they are not giants. yes. absolutely. >> let me get over to colonel hunt. so, if we do what you suggest and it burns and the stalemate comes to pass, which it would. then you have these crews going in between syria and iraq. do you attack them there, colonel hunt? >> yeah. i got no problem with the killing isis, which is not al qaeda, bill. >> yes it is. >> it's a -- organization o. and the head of isis we had in prison in 2009. >> exactly. >> i got no problem killing isis. do you not get in the middle of a sunni she a war again. >> i got that. >> period. i don't do that i have no problem killing isis. let this thing settle.
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how about we loads a couple of special forces guys. we get a plane shot down. we are up to our eyeballs again, no. >> all right. gentlemen thanks very much. we appreciate it a brand new bill bill o' should bomb army attacking iraq or should as colonel hunt suggests we stay out of it? bill o' directly ahead texas collision course with the feds border. talk with governor rick perry. later, laura ingraham on what she would immediately stop the immigration chaos? those reports up ahead.
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into texas the state is taking unilateral action. joining us from washington washington governor rick perry. what are you going to do to stop this chaos. >> we have been trying to call this to the attention since 2009. 2010 i gave the president a letter on a tarmac. in 2012 we brought to their attention flag, put the caution lights on unaccompanied alien children coming in and it's only gotten worse. now we have an absolute humanitarian homeland security issue. and the federal government must step in and do their part to uphold their constitutional duet to secure that border. until they do that, texas is now doing even more than we were beforehand yesterday. we approved $1.3 million a week for additional border security for operational security reasons. we are not going to go through all the things that we are going to be engaged
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with you about there will be substantial law enforcement. national guard involvement. there will be local law enforcement, also being bolstered in that region of the. the federal government owes to the citizens of this state their responsibility to take care of and secure that border because, until we get the border secure, none of this immigration reform talk is going to go anywhere. >> i agree 100% with that. so, you are in washington now having made your case here today. is that why you are up here. tell them we need help down there and what's the response to you? >> well, we were on the phone to the secretary of homeland security jay johnson, and i shared with him very clearly hopefully the they understand the gravity of what's going on, supposedly the vice president is going to go down in either guatemala or one of the central american countries over the next 24 to 48 hours. which brings up the entire issue of this many people moving from central america,
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through mexico to the southern border of the united states. i don't think this just happened by accident. we have got to be diplomatically engaging our neighbors to the south and making sure they understand they have a responsibility as well to keep this from happening. >> yeah. i mean look. they have got to cross into mexico from guatemala and el salvador. we know the people smugglers make a lot of money. we know the word on the internet come to america you can stay and that's largely true. when you texas large. someone coming over. you have to hand them over to ice. that's the law. you can't push them back across the river and tell them to go back where they came from. you have to treat them humanely. they know that. you have to give it to ice and then ice flies them around. massachusetts, arizona, wherever it may be. whatever they say they have an uncle or aunt or
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whatever. i don't know if you spending all the money are going to do anything at all control the situation. >> well, there is two issues here. one of them is that when you put a presence, when you put a law enforcement presence on the border, whether it's national guard, whether it's law enforcement of some form or fashion, state police, local police, or what have you. it does have an impact on those illegal activities. and that's what texans want to see is that the illegal activities are brought close as quick as they can can major natural disasters from time to time. hurricane come in. hurricane season is just starting. if we have a major event in texas today, i do not have a place that it can handle that mass amount of migration away from the storm's path and citizens because of all the titles being used by the individuals absolutely overrunning our border. that's the reason.
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secondary reason that the federal government has to step in to place. >> all the border states are strained. i mean, you are draining resources from what you would otherwise put in other places are you saying that president obama doesn't care about the issue. he blows you off, ignores you? you have been telling him for years you need help and he doesn't respond? is that what you are saying tonight? >> if the track record is indicative of that that's exactly what i would be saying from, 2009 until the current time. the president has not addressed this issue. he has sent underlings i don't have any confidence that the president is engaging in the way he should. >> boycott of mexico. did that last night. because we believe the mexican authorities helped the people smugglers by getting these children up there we think that is an atrocity against the themselves. and we're not going down and spend any money in mexico.
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tourism money. am i doing the wrong thing, governor? >> well, mexico is our number one trading partner. this needs to be addressed and needs to be addressed as fast as it can mexican authorities have answering to do. they are either complicit or they are not. the more important issue is we are either going to have a border or we are not. i would suggest to it you americans want a border and want it secured. texas is going to do their part to secure that border. >> thanks for coming on. we appreciate it megyn kelly on the al qaeda threat. how should the u.s.a. deal with it also the washington redskins under intense fire again. but, next, our mad as hell segment. >> don't come back to me when you change your mind. because this ship has sailed. >> that won't get it done. we hope you stay tuned to those reports. woman: everyone in the nicu --
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country serving the first of six year term. is he run again and pick someone until 2024. and then he can put somebody in place for him and then can he run again after that because he picks the competition. >> putin winds up in jail or one reason or the other. >> journalists certainly do and others o. >> i can't understand why some people like joy are sympathetic. next letter: that's true. the gas that's in the station now had nothing to do with it. >> prompting in the future. anything that something like that happens happened after the fall of can qaddafi, prices went up significantly. two cents so far since things have heated up in iraq. some analysts say it could be a to 10 cents a gallon. >> in my neighborhood it
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went up 8 or 9 cents. retailers basically watch the factor and they know. it doesn't have anything to do with supply and demand which is what i have been saying for years. letter number 3. michael carr. i think it's a little different. chicago a lot of violence. >> 149 people have been killed so far last year. that number was 420 or right around that. >> for the whole year. >> so things are pretty ugly and that number always goes up in the summertime because that's when most of the violence continues. but, when it comes to mexico he co. the question is do you trust the mexican government they certainly haven't been cooperative on tam reissy. >> if chicago, and i don't have any use for their local government. if he they were supplying the bullets, all right, to kill the people, then i would say don't go to chicago. because mexico is allowing the children and the other smugglers to come on up.
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and then they have got this marine in there they could let him out tomorrow and they won't. >> corrupt police force. do you trust the government there or trust their law enforcement. i trust the law enforcement of chicago. i would. >> let me put it this way. the police chief could do more to stem the violence. >> we have had trouble in new york with that. >> trust is not the right word. >> doing their best. >> doing the best as far as they think but they are not really doing the best i think for the folks. harry, no, this is frank: it's a tax. that's what it. >> is t. it certainly is. municipalities a way to keep us safe. start driving safer. bologna, a way to increase revenue. you are seeing this challenged in supreme courts
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across the country. big fine on top of it. >> how does it protect us and make us safer when people are jamming on the brakes when they see the camera and everybody chain reaction behind them? i mean, this is the biggest tax con and that's what it is about. >> you and i have been right through there. right in our community. >> that's right. finally, mike: all right. let's see it which one is heather? >> i don't know. >> heather, now has anybody ever said that to you you look like cameron diaz? >> >> i have heard that personally i don't see it. >> the same head tilt and same lack. the same smile. >> yeah. >> gleaming white teeth. >> i think --
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>> there is a resemblance there. i mean, she is combing her hair just like you, you know. people have said hey, have they ever said are you cameron diaz? >> no, never. are you kidding me i think we should have her come right here. >> she won't come on. people say to me you look just like the son of frankenstein. that rathbone movie? >> no. >> there is heather everybody. cammeron -- heather, thank you. >> good to see you, bill. >> when we come right back, ms. megyn kelly on the threat. laura ingraham on how she would stop the border chaos moments away. c'mon, you want heartburn? when your favorite food starts a fight, fight back fast, with tums. heartburn relief that neutralizes acid on contact. and goes to work in seconds. ♪ tum, tum tum tum... tums!
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as a pilot that meant i was grounded. thanks for staying with us. i'm bill o'reilly in the profile tonight. the washington redskins had their logo trademark revoked. here now is megyn kelly you see her at 9 p.m. eastern time. we have to do this every night. it's cafned depressing with all the people that gave up their lives and limbs in iraq to see what's happening now i just heard with colonel hunt and shaffer a lot of opposing points of view on it over the past few nights. has any view of the iraq al qaeda situation impressed
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you? i it was interesting to see hear -- it was interesting take. he says we shouldn't go back because you have to want freedom and love freedom and he they don't. they are getting up and walk away. >> that's basically true. as i pointed out in my brilliant talking points memo which i'm sure you will see a little bit later on two issues here. there is iraq fighting iraq. sunni, she a, which i agree with beck, we stay way away from that. >> right. >> then there is the al qaeda army going for the u.s.a., israel, and other countries. >> right. >> we can't avoid that. >> the left argues that that's happening in places all around the globe. hate america. plot jihad against us. can't be stirring that pot everywhere it happens. build up defenses, they want
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to be non-icialt conventionists. >> i think that's a very small. libertarians used to be that rand paul is backing away interest that because when you have an al qaeda army. when you have an army and you know where they are, you hit them. >> um-huh. >> as i said, as i pointed out. he we are wiping out guys having breakfast in north waziristan, ba boom. and we can't attack an army rolling across a flat desert? >> you know what's sad about this situation, among other other things it's very much like is syria. where when things first started unfolding there were warnings from military generals like now is the time. you are going to provide the support, doing it now. >> they didn't do it when the sides are a little bit clear. that's how it was when we left iraq. keep behind substantial force. same as we did in korea and vietnam to. try to maintain the situation. >> i don't think maliki would cooperate on that iran told them not to.
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it's a mess. >> it depends. the president has been hit for not trying harder. >> that's what colonel peters says. >> only offering 3,000 troops which wasn't worth it for maliki to take that political hit. >> that's what peters says no doubt that barack obama is not a war time president. he doesn't want any part of it and he want to back away one thing people need to know right now it's not fair to ask was it worth it. we can't ask that question now it? >> was worth it because we did a noble thing. we fought for these people and if they don't take us up on it. >> not only that bill. because in 2011. in 2010 you had joe biden our current sitting vice president, a democrat say rickenbacker could go down as the greatest success of the obama administration. >> don't forget that's what the situation was. clearly many people may have believed it was worth it then. now that they pulled out the troops and the situation did what man of our generals advise, it was going to do if we didn't leave behind troops to keep the peace, you can't look back now and say oh, well it wasn't worth
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it. >> well, the sacrifice the military made was noble and there is no doubt about that now, real request quick, on the washington redskins trademark. does it mean anything? because the owner, daniel schneider, he is not going to change the name of the team i don't believe. >> he is not. >> they are torturing him trademark rights aren't completely wrapped up in what the the government says. circle next to the name and someone tries to use redskins dan schneider can do ogo in and sue them. >> now he can't. >> he still can but he lazarus the presumption. he has hobbled a little bit legally but not entirely. more symbolic. the feds are trying to mess with him. no question. >> no doubt about it. >> you lived in washington for a long time. were you offended by the redskins. i wasn't. but that's me. >> i'm not. slnchts we have had some native americans come on the show and say they are. latest polls they are old.
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90% don't find it offensive. >> harry reid is not going to any of the games. as soon as he announced that seven ticket sales went up 85%. >> can i tell you last time beck was on the program last night. he thinks there is something wrong with harry reid. i'm not trying to offend him. i think there is seriously something wrong with him. a lot of our viewers it turns out agrees. >> when glenn beck diagnosis you that way, you are in trouble. laura ingraham on deck. she has been very outspoken about the border. how would she stop the current chaos? laura is next. replace your laptop? start with the best writing experience.
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back of the book segment tonight. week in review ingraham angle all about the border.
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ms. ingraham joins us now. i have to give you a compliment to start. i kind of bought into the propaganda that the southern border was being secured. you never believed it. so, how would you stop the current wave of children coming to america? >> the first thing we do, bill, is, as a nation, we assert our right to sovereignty. our right to have borders. that means we have to start deporting people. we have both parties basically saying well, we are not going to deport the people who are here and what's happened in guatemala and salvador, honduras, people have got than message so they are coming across. number one we have to start deporting people. it doesn't mean you get buses round up everybody. it you don't deport everyone, you are going it keep getting people over. you can't blame them. no one is going to deport me, i will be able to work, stay, go to public school with my kids. probably get food stamps if i need them with my children it. it will all be okay. we must use a tool that every other country uses when people violate our laws and come here illegally.
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it's not lacking in compassion. it's just enforcing the laws that these politicians hold their hand up and swear to faithfully execute. >> all right. but you have children now and to round them up and send them back into chaos is going, you know, to be a very difficult emotional thing to do. >> well, it is. but right now, to do. >> it is. right now, and governor perry captured this. right now, we have a health care crisis with a lot of the children coming in and adults coming in. we are not sure of their health care status. we have t.b. and mrsa and all these other concerns, economic disaster for the middle class in wages and the security issues. other than mexicans, that's how the border refers to them, o.t.m.s are crossing our bored. we don't know the intention of everybody. a lot of people want to work. if we take the one thing that every other country does off the table, then we can't really expect -- you have to enforce
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the work place and so. if we don't deport anybody except really violent people, people are going to keep coming here. >> really violent people come back. so you can deport as many as you want and they are coming right back, because the government can't secure the border. you have to militaryize the border for a few years. i called for a boycott of mexico. mexico is allowing this to happen. their border with guatemala is only 130 miles. it is not hard to stop the smugglers. they encourage the smugglers and help the smugglers. then, you have the marines. >> they enforce their laws. he shouldn't be in there with his condition. then, the president, he is like barack obama. he isn't engaged. he doesn't do anything. why do i want to go down there and spend my money? >> you are raising an excellent point, bill.
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i would take the boycott and raise it. if you have a president and a vice president who makes it clear to gaw da la har ra and sell la door door, i have been there many times, i am someone who knows latin-america. i love the latin-american people. these are good people. we can not continue to have waves of people coming across the border. we have to tell these countries if you don't enforce the laws in your country for passage, if you keep sending messages to people through the press and other channels, as long as they get to the united states, they can stay and maybe send back remittances back to their country, we will start diminishing foreign aide and cut off foreign aide if that's what it takes to get the message to central america and beyond, it is not safe for your children to come here. you are putting their lives in danger. we as a nation have a right to enforce our border. we have to use the power of the purse. i think congress has to use the power of the purse with the president. say, you don't take this matter
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seriously. we are going to cut off money to all your little pet projects and initiatives that you think are important. when you want to enforce laws like federal grazing rights, you'll send a lot of people down to their federal lands and enforce those laws. >> it is critical mass now. i am going to talk on monday with hume and crowdhammer. the administration has reached a tipping point. we said it about a week ac. i don't know. i just don't know what's going to happen to the country. we'll stay on it. we appreciate it, laura, as always. tip of the day. what if your boss is crazy? what do you do? "the tip" moments away. for paul ridley there's no substitute for advil. it's built to be as fast as it is strong and fights pain at the site of inflammation.
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discounts. rich storengio, san felipe, mexico. i'm a retired mexican living here. your call to boycott mexico will hurt workers most. >> thousands of children are getting hurt because mexican authorities are allowing people smugglers to take them to the border. mexico has to stop the corruption. >> as an american, i have the right to spend my money where i want and it will not be south of the border until the mexican government starts acting in a responsible way. lloyd roe, i love mexico but we will boycott. enough is enough. lou montez, mexico city, i can't believe you are threatening to influence billions of dollars in trade. the marine is being treated for stress disorder and took a long turn. the people smuggling and the drug cartels, what lloyd says is correct, enough is enough. jim roscoe, maryland, i take
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umbrage of criticism as u.s. intelligence. as a former dia analyst, if you knew how many times we were he right but the pin heads an the bureaucracy wouldn't listen. i believe you. mr. o'reilly, you you should warn your viewers that it contains some language. there you go. >> james mcclure, albuquerque, new mexico. i am sure fargo is a nice place. >> i am working on new mexico for next year. last two shows, rapid city, south dakota, fargo. steve bar, neptune, new jersey, the name of the book "killing jesus" sends out a bad message. how about a book called jesus lives. >> there are plenty of books on jesus, steve, religious books. rebecca, hi, i'm 11. i have read all of your history books. i love them. thank you, rebecca. have a great summer.
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tonight's tip of the day, in rudland, vermont, 58-year-old don pitanelo was preparing to close max's convenience store, when a robber came in with a snooi knife. don felt threatened. he pulled out a legal handgun. the robber ran out. don's employer treated him really badly after that. saying he had violated company policy by bringing a gun to work. he didn't get fired but he is not going back to mack's. here is a tip. if your boss is insane like that, leave. don is in a job. even if he didn't, you don't want to work in a crazy place. sometimes it is tough but when things get irrational, you have to go. >> that's it for us. also, we would like you to spout off anywhere in the world. o'reilly at if you wish to apply a word of
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the day, do not be a quiver when writing to the factor. do not be a quiver. thanks for watching us tonight. up next, i'm bill o'reilly, please always remember, the spin stops here. we are definitely looking out for you. breaking tonight, new fallout from the president's decision to send american troops back into iraq as we learn the terrorists now have control of a chemical weapons facility. welcome to the kelly file, everyone, i'm megan kelly. the president making clear that iraq is the racky's problem. he says we will send in 300 military advisers to help them solve it. president obama has lost the confidence of the american people. the latest polling shows most americans, 54%, do not trust this president to lead. 54%. nearly 60% disapprove of his